Stopping by work on a lockdown weekday

The kids were up before the sun.
I’ll never get out, now, to run;
I shouldn’t check my email yet…
But do – some crisis now, I bet.

A shower. Tie my hair up top.
Trackie bottoms. Formal top.
A pop of blush before I go:
I look washed out on video.

Daddy’s finally out of bed.
How nice of him to show his head.
A shower, then, “What’s that you say?
I see. You’re back to back all day.”

So feed the kids, and fed the cat,
And wash the towels and bathroom mat,
And check the kids are getting dressed,
And tackle all the kitchen mess.

9 o’clock. P.E. with Joe.
So time to get to work. But no:
The doorbell rings. Ding dong! Who’s there?
Dad has bought himself a chair.

So even though he’s back to back
The man has time to build flat pack.
Meanwhile, English, maths, and spelling;
Hang the wash lest it starts smelling.

Kids, I have to take a call.
“Mum, you don’t love us, not at all!
We haven’t even had a snack!”
Team, I’ll have to call you back.

Coax the kids outside to play
And do the first work of the day.
They’re back inside. “She threw a punch!”
For God’s sake. Would you like some lunch?

Random leftovers on my plate
(Don’t want those scraps to go to waste)
Cos no one else will eat up these.
Daddy made them all grilled cheese.

Quiet time. Stay in your room!
Just as well – it’s time to Zoom.
Mitigation, profit, loss,
Simultaneous emails to my boss.

Try to resist the screens some more.
Send kids packing out the door.
If I sit carefully…right here, say…
I can use wifi AND watch them play.

A multitasking hero, me:
I take a call while cooking tea.
My Little Ponies gallop past;
I’ve given in to screens at last.

The kids are fed, they’ve had a bath,
Been sent upstairs to bed at last.
But still there’s work, and the laundry heap,
And miles to go before I sleep.


*With apologies to Big G for the gross licence I have taken –
he has in fact has been getting up at 5am to work so he can split the day with me,
and he did make a chair but it was for me.