An interview with G Minor on the eve of her 7th birthday

Josephine went to a friend’s birthday party today. After hearing the birthday girl’s mother give a short speech, she decided to give one too. And encouraged others to do the same. Then asked to kick on at the local sports club. She also spent the evening singing maths songs. That’s Josephine.

She is an endlessly entertaining child, incredibly sweet, climbs into my lap at every opportunity, asks big questions about life and the world, and chose croissants over chocolate chip pancakes for her birthday breakfast so she could add extra butter.

Here is her interview for this year; last year’s answers are here.

How old are you? I am 6
How old am I? 42
How old is Daddy? 104
What’s your favourite food? Potatoes
What’s your favourite colour? Purple, orange and turquoise
If you were in charge of the world, what would you tell everyone to do? I’d make everyone to be a girl
What’s your favourite book? My Naughty Little Sister because it’s like meeeeeeee!
What’s your favourite TV show? Little Lunch and The Inbestigators (Good job, ABC)
Where is the best place to go on holiday? Australia
What are you very good at? Eating chocolate
What would you like to do for a job when you are older? Be an actor
What’s your favourite thing to do with Mummy? Wrestles
What’s your favourite thing to do with Daddy? Bristly kisses
What’s something you would like to learn to do? Karate. Hi-ya! (And she chopped me)
What does Mummy do for a job? You call hospitals to say that new inventions of medical things are safe to use on people
What does Daddy do for a job? Works on mal comms (She didn’t know what that meant and neither did I)
What’s your favourite animal? Elephant
What makes you happy? When the whole family and our friends are together
What makes you sad? When you or Daddy travel
If you had superpowers, what would you like them to be? To be invisible and to turn into any animal
Who is your best friend? Maeve & Daisy

Happy birthday to my teeny weenie Josephine-y