What G Major knows after a decade

My goodness me. It’s been 10 years! G Major has reached double digits. Where does the time go?

I’ll tell you: ballet lessons; swimming lessons; nursery; school; holidays to a frankly outrageous number of countries; dressing up; cousins and grandparents; lost teeth; hair cuts; toast cut the wrong way; messages in birthday cards; parent teacher evenings; horse riding; fancy lunchboxes; lost mittens; favourite childhood novels; playing naked in the sprinkler; Calpol; growing tomatoes; booster seats; a lot of pesto pasta; lullabies; concerts; stitches; potty training; Skype calls; letters to Father Christmas; sandcastles; ice creams; school buses and new shoes.

Big G and I are both older and wise, and so is G Major. So here she is with new questions, aged 10.

What’s one thing you’ve learned in the last year? Friendships can be tricky 
What’s one thing you’d like to learn before your next birthday? How to play an instrument 
What’s something you’d like to see change before you turn 18? Stop climate change 
Who are your best friends? Carmen, Fleur, Alice 
Who is your favourite author? Terry Pratchett
What’s your favourite food? A bacon cheeseburger 
What’s your favourite tv show? Making Fun
Lay out your dream day Eat my favourite foods, go out for a day with my friends 
Sweet or savoury? Sweet 
What’s your best quality? Helping people get along 
What would you like to be when you leave school? An artist 
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be? America
What makes you happiest? Spending time with family and friends 
What makes you angry or sad? Inequality 
What are you thankful for? That I have a strong relationship with my family
What is something that you are looking forward to? Young Voices choir performance 

LaLa, you make us proud every day. I hope your next decade is as full of fun and success as your last.